Mission, Vision and Spiritual Values



We envision a Christ-centered Catholic Marian devotees docile and dedicated to the Cause of Jesus and Mary – the salvation of souls, and living out an authentic Christian life in the Church.

We envision a Christ-centered Catholic Marian devotees docile and dedicated to the Cause of Jesus and Mary – the salvation of souls, and living out an authentic Christian life in the Church.

Goals and Objectives

Spiritual Values

1. Distribute leaflets and other related Flame of Love devotional materials and teachings available to anyone and invite them to the prayer.
2. Establish and multiply prayer groups for Cenacle prayer, for Holy Hours/Adoration, the praying of the Holy Rosary in the family, in the parishes, and in small communities.
3. Provide useful resources about the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary devotion online for everyone to access.

We value so much:
1. The Holy Eucharist or the Holy Mass and we strive to receive Holy Communion worthily and frequently.
2. Prayer (individual, Communal) like the Flame of Love Rosary, Cenacle prayer, Adoration/Holy Hour, meditation and Contemplation.
3. Personal Sacrifice. No matter how small the sacrifice and suffering, we offer them for the salvation of souls, for healing , reparation and atonement of our sins, for our family, for the Church and our Church leaders, for the government and government leaders and officials, and for world peace.
4. The frequent and regular reception of the Sacraments especially the Sacrament of Reconcilaition.